Product Features

Work more efficiently, productively, and strategically

All-In-One Board Management Solution

Apla E-Sign

  • Sign all electronic transactions in the system with your private key (eg., voting, sign-off actions, etc)
  • Sign meeting documents with qualified e-signature service provider (optional)
  • Apla blockchain technology is to ensure the traceability of your esigning actions

Apla E-Vote

  • Receive meeting notifications in real time as a board member or shareholders
  • Issue or receive proxy
  • Access automatically generated meeting minutes and vote casting reports
  • Vote-casting transactions are stored in Apla Consortium Network to make them immutable and traceable


  • Send and receive meeting documents in real time
  • Send messages to corporate secretary and other users
  • Apla blockchain technology is deployed to ensure the traceability of messages, notifications and other data exchanges in the system between all stakeholders

Service Level Tools

  • End-user account validation tools
  • Private blockchain network set-up
  • Access Rights and Role Management tools
  • Access to Apla admin network support

Security and Immutability

Public/Private Keys

  • They are used to authenticate users in the system and sign electronic transactions
  • Private keys are generated and stored on the users’ devices only
  • Apla blockchain technology is to ensure the traceability of your esigning actions

Private Blockchain Network

  • It is used to enable synchronisation, integrity and authenticity of transactional data in real time on at least 3 servers connected to a private blockchain network of the X-Reg service provider
  • Enhanced system resilience: if one server is out of order, the network will continue processing operations on the remaining two or more servers
  • Apla Blockchain Software is installed on-premise by the XReg service provider

Access Rights

  • Access to meeting materials and other data is granted via smart contracts only to persons assigned a specific role in the system by or with the permission of the relevant X-Reg service provider


  • Hashes of vote-casting transactions of each user are stored in Apla Consortium Network
  • Apla Consortium Network is not controlled by a single party. The vote-casting transactions, therefore, become tamper-proof and immutable.
  • Please refer the website for more details on immutability

Simplicity: End-user accounts

  • The End-user just needs one application and one account in order to receive meeting-related services from multiple X-Reg service providers (i.e., if a user is on the board of several organizations, he/she can validate his/her account in all of them in order to vote, receive notifications from such companies)
  • It is easy to create an account
  • The account access can be shared between several End-user’s devices (smart phones and table PCs)

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